Description: Process Server - South Dakota - Action Process Serving located in Souix Falls, SD
services (133) south dakota (8) investigation (6) process server (2) skip tracing (2) serve (2) legal papers (1) minnehaha (1)
Copyright © Action Process Serving 2014
Getting the individuals or businesses served is not as simple as walking up and saying “Hello”. The defendant in your lawsuit may be elusive, or hiding from the sheriff. He or she might have gone into hiding!
Our process servers know how to serve a person who is trying to avoid being served. Our databases help find individuals who have changed addresses. Often the online people search databases are seriously out of date. Many are 5 or 6 years behind. Action Process Serving has access to up to date resources utilizing every avenue of search including but not limited to vehicle registrations, voter registrations, title searches, employment applications, last known employer etc.