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AFRIKAANS.US offers free Afrikaans language courses. Afrikaans music, Afrikaans poetry, Afrikaans vocabulary and recordings by native Afrikaans speakers. AFRIKAANS.US is your gateway to learn the Afrikaans language. It is aimed at beginner level language learners and more advanced speakers or if you plan to visit South Africa or Namibia. Dr. Jacques du Plessis offers nearly 40 years of experience teaching Afrikaans.

—    AFRIKAANS Welkom by                 —    SOMALI Ku soo dhowow                           —    XHOSA Wamkelekile kwa

    A regular site has a prescribed path. These units allow you to create your best learning path. • This site is unit-based so you can focus on areas of interest or to develop a curriculum •  AFRIKAANS:HOME  has many links about the language; it suggests ways to learn and to participate, and it gives you more context about the language. •  Pronunciation   has two segments.         Specific Focus addresses particular aspects of pronunciation and the          Holistic Focus offers learning pronunciation with