- City of Astoria Oregon:

Description: Offers information on city government, boards and commissions, services, and departments. Includes news, events, city code, permits, fees, utility billing and links. Departments include City Manager's Office, Community Development, Finance, Fire, Library, Parks and Recreation, Police, Public Works.

finance (26) fire (22) library (15) police (15) public works (4) community development (1) parks and recreation (1) city manager's office (1) mayor willis l. van dusen (1) astoria city council (1)

Example domain paragraphs

The City Council of Astoria is committed to the preservation of Astoria's unique character; livability and quality of life for residents; a thriving local economy; and resilience as a community.

Join the discussion about housing in Astoria

The City of Astoria departments and staff are involved with several projects.

Links to (2)