- Cara Liu

Description: Portfolio website for Cara Liu

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I love meeting people and telling their stories. And it’s been an honor to do just that – living my dream job as a television news reporter for more than 15 years. I’ve covered everything from breaking news and crime to wildfires and wildlife. Interviewed some of the world’s most famous and powerful, as well as some of the most vulnerable. My career has taken me to Phoenix, Las Vegas and most recently, the San Francisco Bay Area, and my work has been featured on CNN, FOX and CBS.

Five years ago, I walked into a yoga class that would turn my life upside down. There I met a guy who would become my husband. In 2015, we got an amazing opportunity to live in Paris and travel. We practiced French in Parisian bistros, rode camels in Morocco, and stood on the Prime Meridian in Greenwich. We loved the culture and community we experienced in Europe, and wanted that when we returned to the States. Which is why we decided to make Portland our home.