Description: Information about the Chappell Family.

genealogy (24) ancestry (3) chappell (1) chappells (1)

Example domain paragraphs

This is the Home Page of a Chappell family website. It was "launched" in 2004 and continues to be a work in progress. On it are buttons to websites of family members. There also are buttons to other websites related to the family or members of it. Guidance to the principal substance of the website is via the main menu at the top of the page, which references the following sections:

Reviews : What people have said about the Chappells Website after finding their way out of it. Ancestry : The ocean-hopping continent-spanning history of our Chappell genealogy, and who was responsible for it. Photos : Collections of the photography of various Chappell family members, er, well, mainly one of them but touching upon all in one way or another. Contact : A typical form that can be used to send us a message if you have something relevant to communicate for non-commercial, non-intrusive, and non-

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