Description: Clarity Works is the practice of releasing disturbed energetic patterns in people and the environment. During a personal or space clearing, old, heavy, limiting patterns are located and released. Quantum physics supports the concepts of energy clearing.

health (60) harmony (3) space clearing (2) clarity works (1) personal clearing (1) limiting patterns (1) albert einstein (1) quantum physics (1)

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There are no accidents in life - it is always the perfect unfolding of Spirit.   But, just because something is perfect, does not mean we have to like it.  Liking the pain and challenges of life can be impossible, but discovering the source behind the pain and learning to welcome and love it is possible and will transform that pain into a presence that always calls forth our highest and best good.

The source behind all of our experiences - those we consider to be good, bad and neutral - is always us!  We  are the creators, the requestors, the Divine orchestrators.   This may seem like a bitter pill to swallow in times of difficulty, but it is actually the first critical and necessary step in restoring harmony and balance into our lives.

T he people, situations and experiences we encounter everyday are the reflections, or outpicturings, of the vibrational patterns we hold within.  Lying  just below the surface of our conscious, organizing mind, these vibrational patterns are part of the subconscious mind and include the many beliefs we hold about ourselves, others, and the world, as well as our expectations, desires, fears and emotions.  They serve as our personal software - our inner programming - and are responsible for what shows up in o