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This set of web pages is dedicated to the knives and other items made by the Schrade families of knife craftsmen and craftswomen over the last 100 years.
All the images displayed here are the personal property of the owner of this site or of the persons whom have asked to have the image or article presented. I will not sell any of these items. They are displayed here for our edification and gratification. I will supply an e-mail address below to use to submit pictures, articles, or reviews of knives related to the Schrade's.
I will not be offering a discussion forum and am not considering a "blog". To discuss these and any of the Schrade related products, please come see all the Schrade-aholics or as we have been known to call ourselves "Uncle Henry's Lost Souls" at Bladeforums.com and AAPK. They do a far better job of running a forum than I could.