- Consumers Home - Central Panhandle Association of REALTORS

Description: The Original Source for Every REALTOR® and Every Listing in Bay, Calhoun, Holmes, Jackson, and Washington Counties.

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The Central Panhandle Association of REALTORS® is the voice for Real Estate in Northwest Florida. CPAR is a Member based association comprised of REALTORS® & Power Partners. We operate the MLS and publish real estate market data. We also provide continuing education, professional development, facility access & networking opportunities.

We conduct classes, meetings and events that benefit our Members and our surrounding communities. We stay involved politically on behalf of REALTOR® issues and private property rights.

CPAR serves around 2,400 Realtor® Members and 250 Power Partners in 6 counties: Bay, Calhoun, Washington, Holmes, Jackson & Liberty. Additionally, we consistently contribute to local charity organizations & philanthropic works.