danberry.us - Welcome to the Danberry Family Website

Description: Danberry family website

minnesota (26) danberry (1) michael and carla danberry (1)

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Danberry Family Website

Michael is working for SAIC as the Training Coordinator for the Army Enterprise Service Desk-Worldwide contract.  He works from home in Texas, where he and Carla live together.  He's happy to be doing a lot of the same type of duties he did prior to retiring, that being Organizational Unit administrator, helping people with access to DoD sites, working with ATCTS, and a general helpful person he is.

Michael retired from the Army effective 1 March 2015, which was 23 days prior to what would have been his date of promotion to CW4.  He's happy he made the promotion list, but happier to be living with Carla in Texas.