- Dispensing Technology - Manufacturer since 1976 | DOPAG

Description: Systems and Components for Bonding, Sealing, Potting and Lubrication. Cutting-edge Metering, Mixing and Dispensing Technology. ➔ Find out more!

technology (92) united states (54) mixing (2) dopag (1) dispense (1) metering (1) dosing (1)

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Dispensing technology is our passion – for more than 50 years globally. Our US team offers you metering and mixing systems, that are configured according to your requirements. We are your partner for the complete project process and beyond: from concept with trials in our technical centre up to initial commissioning. We support you also with regular maintenance, spare parts delivery and machine training. You can relay on us - We guarantee with our name for our business!

Contact the DOPAG US team!

Whatever you need, we’ve got the solution for your lubrication process: Depending on your requirements, we provide different metering technologies, various material supply systems and a wide range of metering and dispensing valves for dot, bead or spray application.