- ECMI - Energy Efficiency and Water Quality Solutions - Home

Description: ECMI proudly offers the very best energy efficiency and water quality product solutions currently available for industrial, commercial, and domestic applications.

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We at ECMI are very privledged to be able to offer our clients the lastest breakthrough in physical water treatment. Flow-Tech Systems has created the most technologically advanced chemical-free system on the market. It is sure to become the new gold standard in it's class. Read more We proudly offers the very best energy efficiency and water quality product solutions currently available for industrial, commercial, and domestic applications.  As a Factory Direct National Product Distributor, we provide solu

Other Industry News     HTML The Return of Energy Rebates Rebates for energy efficient upgrades are on the rise. Here are some steps to find out if you qualify. Study Shows Drinking Mineral Water May Help Alzheimer's Disease Sufferers Scientists at Keele University in Staffordshire have found that drinking mineral water regularly could help people with Alzheimer's disease. NSF Examines Hard Water Health Benefits Specialists from across the globe convene in Baltimore, MD, to discuss the health and nutrition

Attention Facility Managers! If you are not taking an active role in managing energy costs, your organization may well be overpaying. At a time when these costs are soaring, controlling building energy costs is a must; failure to do so could be a very expensive mistake.