- Email Host Security, The Security Box Directory

Description: This page will describe why the domain was baught, and describe email and its issues.

email (79) security (58) email hosting (17)

Example domain paragraphs

When I started the Technology podcast in March of 2006, I intended for it to be an all round podcast from Security news, demos on software, blindness related stuff and much more. In about 2016 or so, maybe later, I noticed more breaches and vulnerability disclosures in my feeds than anything else, and the tech podcast took a huge break as I was covering the same things all the time.

Someone approached me and wanted to do a tech and security program, and that 2018 show didn't last very long. The show only lasted 5 episodes. While I saw potential, I felt that this show just wasn't cutting the mustard of my standards! Meanwhile, I continued to do tech podcasts sporadically, but I knew the security field needed to be covered.

In 2020, I approached Herbie, the main owner of 986 the mix, KKMX International and asked if there was room to do a show about security. While we have a full-time tech and music show, mine was specificly going to cover the landscape which seems to be my life, and I have hosted it since July of that year.