emsol.us - EMSOL - Engineering Maintenance Solutions Inc.

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EMSOL’s product line has been formulated knowing that application conditions are not always ideal. We strive in offering and recommending products and technologies that allow us to adapt to existing conditions, therefore minimizing shutdown times and failures from incompatible products.

Our diverse product line includes surface tolerant and water based products that can be applied directly over wet and poorly prepared substrates without adversely affecting their performance.

EMSOL was founded on the principle of providing exceptional service and state of the art solutions to the most demanding maintenance challenges in industry. Because we know industry needs vary greatly, we aim to tailor our recommendations and products so that each application is done right the first time. We offer a wide range of polymeric materials that includes: high performance coatings, linings, flooring, and sealants that can provide superb protection against erosion, corrosion, abrasion, and chemical