faaflighttest.us - Pilot Examiner Home

Description: Pilot Examiner Homepage, making your flight test an easier, manageable experience. Resources for the pilot scheduling an FAA Flight Test. Pilot examiner David St. George tests pilots from sport pilot through ATP

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It's a popular notion that pilot examiners are evil by nature. I wrote this web site to dispel that myth and to make your pilot evaluation (flight test) easier. This site provides both general guidance and specific tools you may not have gotten from your CFI. After years of providing flight tests, the most depressing failures are the ones where it is obvious the applicant is a good pilot but was not prepared thoroughly or correctly for the testing process. You can be a very good pilot and still be unsuccess

Finishing your flight training (and finally becoming a pilot) necessarily involves a "check-ride" with an FAA Designated Pilot Examiner before certification. For all advanced certificates or ratings, the pilot evaluation is also the "rite of passage." Fortunately, this does not need to be a fearful and upsetting experience. Every element of any FAA evaluation is published and documented in the appropriate Practical Test Standards . If you download and read this dense little book carefully and arrive for you

Everyone is nervous...that's perfectly natural, but " fearful and paralyzed" prevents good execution. I still take a couple check rides every year with the FAA and cringe a little each time. But approaching any evaluation with a positive attitude and correct preparation makes the experience what it was intended to be: a "final check" of your recommending instructor's training of you. I conduct all single and multi-engine tests for Sport Pilot through ATP and CFI add-ons, renewal and reinstatement. I try to