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Another Afscme Maryland Video.  I hope no one minds my posting these. Discuss :: (0 Comments) AFSCME Maryland Holiday Youtube by: Andrew Kujan Thu Dec 18, 2008 at 02:22 PM EST A little holiday message from Afscme Maryland.  Show this to your favorite state employee. Discuss :: (0 Comments) Going on Hiatus by: Isaac Smith Wed Dec 10, 2008 at 03:16 PM EST I've been doing this unofficially for a while now, so I might as well make it official: I'm putting this blog on hiatus for the foreseeable future. Free Sta

Today's Capital got me shaking my head, tsk, tsking and wondering what the hell is so wrong with government half of the time--or is it just Annapolis? The first piece is an editorial about the failure of the special tax increases from the special session to do much of anything special. Okay, that's not directly about Annapolis--but it is about the state government that meets in Annapolis. And there is the piece about the failure of the Knighton Garage to really do what it was built to do--provide parking. I

CP has long maintained that the issue is not parking. What we have is a transportation and mobility challenge. Downtown parking garages really serve little utility. They suck up public dollars, take otherwise productive land out of real use and they don't solve or address problems of mobility or congestion--they just take us away from our largest personal investment where they let our second-largest investments sit...and sit.... So--does it come as a surprise to CP that the garage is not doing what it is su