Description: Integrating the best of the techniques and philosophy of Anthroposophy, Naturopathic Medicine, Holistic Healing, Herbal Medicine, Energy Healing, Reiki, Flower Essences, and Beekeeping.
healing (20) reiki (10) holistic (8) medicine (7) herbal (4) anthroposophy (3) nd (2) anthroposophical (2) steiner (2) naturopathy (1)
Heal Yourself Inc was founded in 2002 with the intention to serve the local community as educators and consultants in order to improve the well being and quality of life of fellow individuals through deep understanding of man and nature..
Dr Tamara Potselueva is a Board certified Naturopathic Physician and Registered Nurse licensed in the State of Connecticut. Naturopathic Physicians use methods of healing that employ various natural means to empower an individual to achieve the highest level of health possible by supporting the body's own healing processes. The relationship between the physician and patient evolves with a patient-empowerment approach. Illness may provide opportunities for positive change and new balance in life towards its
The art and science of Naturopathic medicine is safe, gentle and efficient, and has no side effects. It can compliment any conventional treatment plan. It can be used as a Preventive medicine, as intervention in acute stages of diseases and during recovery periods, also as a support in various chronic conditions bringing self healing on the way to optimal health. Each patient is treated with recognition of individual uniqueness. Treatments are accomplished by finding and using plants and minerals from the