hearus.us - Home - HEAR US: Voice and Visibility for Homeless Children and Youth

Description: So often you hear, We don't have homelessness in our town. or It's a big city problem. or They could get a place if they wanted to. Homeless families and teens can be found in every community. Too often they lack emergency and long-term resources to get back on their feet. More than 1.5 million children and youth, need your help. HEAR US provides the tools.

illinois (29) emergency (23) youth (18) homeless (6) at risk youth (2) hear us (1) teens families (1)

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Since 2005, HEAR US offers award-winning resources and information for those concerned about children, teens and families experiencing homelessness.

HEAR US gives voice and visibility to children, youth and families experiencing homelessness . Why is this important?

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