homene.us - SCEDD | South Central Economic Development District

Description: 308-455-4770 | The South Central Economic Development District exists to develop and promote a positive economic climate that supports regional growth in Nebraska.

taxes (14) invest (7) regional (4) abandoned (3) clean up (3) landbank (2) land bank (2) dilapidated (2) eyesore nuisance (2)

Example domain paragraphs

The  HomeNE  Learning Network is designed to connect and engage rural community leaders with one another and explore innovative approaches to housing development and redevelopment. The long-term goal of HomeNE is to foster the development of local expertise to successfully assess and address their housing needs.

Through our educational sessions, we hope to provide you with the knowledge and tools you need to fulfill your organization/community goals and create a better Nebraska!

This Toolkit (“Kit”) was developed to empower community leaders to conduct self-learning and engagement, taking the initial steps to tackle a locally-identified housing challenge. The Kit contains templates, survey examples, and process recommendations that can be utilized by small, rural communities to implement self-information gathering of the current housing conditions and needs. 

Links to homene.us (1)