health care (8) democrat (2) jean hay bright (1) jean hay (1) olympia snowe (1) u.s. senate (1) u.s. senate 2006 (1) doug rallings (1) kathy kelly (1) social security (1)
Thank you all again, for all the support and enthusiasm you all put into this campaign. Knowing you were there, and that you're still out there, by the thousands, knowing that we still share a vision for what American is, what it needs to be and become, is what keeps me from being discouraged -- at least for the moment -- about the fate of the world, the nation, and the state of Maine. Best wishes for a wonderful Holiday Season, and let's hope and pray for real Peace on Earth in the New Year. Keep in touch.
(JavaScript Error) What's it costing Your community? inc_totals_at_rate(200); November 19, 2006 U.S. Senate race Post Election Analysis - Address to the Maine Democratic Party State Committee By Jean Hay Bright . . . Many people were reasonably assuming that the Democratic Senate Campaign Committee and EMILY's List were providing money and support, because that is their supposed reason for existing. Both organizations adamantly refused to help. . . . . . If each Democratic candidate for federal office m
From Jean Hay Bright It was an exhilarating year and a half, bearing the torch as your anti-war, pro-health care, pro-labor, pro-environment, protect-the-Constitution candidate. From the election results, we know that almost 110,000 of you share my view of the America we want to live in. That's a lot of people! Thank you all for those votes...