- jo+ = Joseph Setton

Description: Joseph 'jo+' Setton is multi-disciplinary designer and strategic thinker focusing on digital product design and branding

graphic design (86) designer (28) ux (13) ui (11) new york city (8) product design (4) joseph setton (1) jo+ (1) joplus (1) jo plus (1)

Example domain paragraphs

I’m a multi-disciplinary designer and strategic thinker focusing on digital product design and branding, I bring a truly wholistic approach to every project

My obsessive curiosity pushes me to constantly refine my process and inform my work. I'm passionate about solving problems with empathy and awareness to context.

As principal of studio +plusign, I’ve been involved with companies that ranged from seed stage startups to some of the worlds most recognizable brands. I've worked alongside Google's current director of user experience Cordell Ratzlaff to rethink online investing for New York based startup Kapitall and helped create award winning work to engage students and teachers for the Council for Economic Education .