- Home - Lawnside School District

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Front NOA 2023 Invitation Lawnside School Lawnside School < > Mission Statement T he mission of the Lawnside School District is to educate our students, through mastery of the New Jersey Student Learning Standards(NJSLS), to become independent thinkers and problem solvers so they will be empowered to meet the challenges of and achieve success in tomorrow's emerging world community. The educational community will provide a safe, nurturing environment in which individual and civic responsibility is fostered a

The following District Goals were established in collaboration with the Lawnside Board of Education members at the Board Retreat on Wednesday, July 31, 2024.
 Goal #1: English Language Arts

By June 2025, 25% of students will show proficiency of grade level standards by achieving a score of "Meets Expectations" as measured by the LinkIt Benchmark assessment.  Goal #2: Social Emotional Learning