lostpinesrw.us - Lost Pines Republican Women | Bastrop County TX

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Can’t make it to Washington D.C. for the inaugural festivities? We’ve got you covered! BRUNCH: We’ll gather starting at 10AM central. The actual swearing in will take place at the United States Capitol at noon (Eastern Time) on January 20, 2025, but first there is the Inauguration procession and the swearing in of the Vice-President. We’ll watch all this on the gigantic screen at the Paige Farmhouse Diner . This event is open seating. We’ll have coffee, tea, light snacks.

BALL : At 5:30, we’ll re-open the Paige Farmhouse Diner for the Bastrop County Inaugural Ball . This is a dressy, “black tie optional”, event. We’re serving a plated dinner (chicken or salmon – you choose at registration). We’ll dance to the sounds of The Nite Shift Band . And, of course, lots of fun! (FYI: Tier 1 tables are in the front 1/3 of the room. Tier 2 tables are in the middle. Tier 3 tables are in the back 1/3 of the room. The room holds 25 tables of 8.)

These events are co-hosted by the Lost Pines Republican Women and the Bastrop County Republican Party.