- Home - Macon County R-I School District

Description: Home - Macon County R-I School District

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< > Welcome Message As Superintendent of the Macon R-1 School District, I want to express my gratitude for being a vital part of our school family. I could not be more pleased and honored to be serving as your Superintendent. My commitment to the district and to all of you is to serve each student, staff member, the Board of Education and our community in a way that honors traditions, as well as keeping an eye toward growth and future needs. This is an exciting challenge and one that I fully dedicate and em

Our goal of nurturing lifelong learners begins with offering courses, subjects and activities that spark genuine curiosity to help each student discover their passion. One of our primary goals is to create an environment where every high school student can engage in an extracurricular activity that complements their academic pursuits. We believe that passion for a subject makes learning more enjoyable and authentic. Public education's core principle is contributing positively to society. By developing a str

Written by student authors Hannah Gordan, Keely Hicks, Corbin Orgill, Landon Wells, Cooper Wright, and Austin Wooten.