Description: Open a new MC Number Operating Authority for interstate transportation commerce operations. Processed by Federal Applications Processor, Hoffenmer®
A motor carrier number, MC number, is an identifier that accompanies an interstate operating authority for motor carriers (transportation companies with a US DOT number). In simple terms, this is an authority or a permission to engage in interstate commerce. In even simpler terms, if you have a heavy vehicle that transports goods "interstate for profit" you need to obtain a permission from the government in the form of an MC Number (an operating authority).
The simplest way to apply for a new MC Authority number is through an online application: MC Number Application. found below. If you're stuck or unsure how to proceed you may use the chat function found in the lower corner to obtain your answers or chat with live agent online.
Links to (10)
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dotconsulting.usU.S. DOT Consulting Assistance | Federal Applications Processor Hoffenmer
dotsos.usU.S. DOT Regulations Support by Federal Applications Processor - Home
dotsupport.usU.S. DOT Regulations Support by Federal Applications Processor - Home
mcdotcertificates.usMC Authority Certificates | MC# Number | Federal Applications Processor Hoffenmer