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Description: In the midst of chaos and confusion, find answers to life's biggest questions and hope and purpose for your life.

jesus (47) peace (21) depression (16) anxiety (14) hope (13) joy (6) plan (4) purpose (2) meant for more (1) significance (1)

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It’s hard to know what is true, and our world is full of lies. We are told to build our lives on these lies but they prove to be nothing more than sinking sand. Jesus offers a better way by telling you the truth that can set you free.

God is the Creator and King of this world so we should obey Him. The problem is we have all sinned against God and deserve His judgement. But God displayed His love by sending His Son, Jesus Christ , who died on the cross to pay the penalty for our sin. He rose from the dead three days later and will return to judge the world. We can be saved if we trust Jesus as our Lord and Savior by believing in Him, repenting of our sin, and receiving His free gift of salvation. When we trust Jesus He forgives us of our

There are only two ways to live – with Jesus or without Him. Come find the peace, joy, and freedom that can only be found in Him.