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Description: MedWise is the provider of innovative diabetes solutions assisting corporations reduce healthcare costs with diabetes management systems focused on health and wellness engagement strategies.

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Employers can’t Measure what they don’t record •    How many employees are compliant on diabetes testing? •    How many employees are experiencing diabetes episodes? •    How many employees are utilizing health and wellness benefits? •    How many employees still use tobacco? •    What are the biggest risk factors for your employees? •    By examining the answers to these questions in combination with data from your employees' health risk assessments and the MedWise Diabetes Management System we can provide

 We believe the best way to achieve long-term savings is to help people take ownership of their health and healthcare spending. Combining the right diabetes management with health and wellness solutions is a key part of the MedWise Choice approach to better health and productivity.

Our Diabetes Management / Health and Wellness Solutions Help Deliver: •    Healthier employees that are more productive, helping businesses perform better in today’s challenging environment.