minemen.us - US Navy Minemen

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US Navy Minemen Stories and photos of the US Navy Mine Force starling Gan Uesli Starling 2002 — 2007, Gan Uesli Starling US Navy Minemen  Webmaster: http://starling.us/gan/  by Ĝan Ŭesli Starling copyright 2002 — 2023 Pictures and stories by minemen of the US Navy. If anyone else has stories or pictures for inclusion at this site, please email me at  gan@starling.us 

I am in the process of trying to build an exact replica, scale model in 3D of the Mk 6 Mod 5 mine form WW2. You know, from the rating symbol on the sleeve of every US Navy mineman ever to serve. From such a computer model in 3D format an actual plastic model can also be made. The result can be of very high quality. See an example for a tricycle here: SLA 3D Print

The question is, how accurate can I make such model? Know that I am accustomed to making very accurate CAD models. I have done a few of them in my present job as test engineer for an aerospace company. But to proceed with accuracy I require information. I had been given to expect that I might receive actual prints, possibly even computer files direct from historical archives of the US Navy. This would have greatly simplified my efforts. But after a very patient wait and two follow up emails, these seem not