- Northwest Georgia Joint Economic Development Authority

Description: Official website of Northwest Georgia Joint Economic Development Authority. The Northwest Georgia counties of Catoosa, Chattooga, Dade and Walker enjoy a low cost of living and low cost of doing business in proximity to Chattanooga, Tennessee Atlanta, Georgia and interstates 75, 59 and 24, and U.S. Highway 27.

tennessee (28) chattanooga (7) walker (4) dade (3) northwest georgia joint economic development authority (2) top of georgia (2) catoosa (2) chattooga (2)

Example domain paragraphs

A work-ready labor pool and a low cost of doing business make Northwest Georgia an easy choice.

As many as 70% of the new jobs created each year in our region are the result of local business expansions.

Our region has assembled one of the largest contiguous tracts of land for industrial development in the tri-state area.

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