occupysongs.us - Occupy Songs - songs for the occupy movement

Description: Occupy Songs - some songs for the occupy movement, singable protest songs, words and music

music (125) songs (7) protest (4) anthem (3) occupy (2) sing (2) shall (1) overcome (1) a-long (1)

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I've been thinking long and hard about Tom Morello's remarks in this article in the NY Times , about the lack of an anthem for the Occupy Movement. (One of the best things to happen in this country, in my opinion, since the Anti-Vietnam War protests – see my blog here.)

Have you listened to many of the songs written for, or inspired by, the Occupy Movement? Lots of Hip-Hop, Rap, and singer-songwriter offerings. But very little that you can actually sing along with. (Joan Baez issued a compilation album of mostly recycled protest songs from the 60s, but that doesn't seem right either.) People need songs they can sing together , since singing together helps promote unity and solidarity in any cause or movement.

Seems obvious to me. So I'm trying to do it. My efforts may be small potatoes off in a corner of the iworld somewhere, but this is also my world , and I'm going to try anyhow.

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