ordinarycelebrity.us - Ordinary Celebrity • A podcast on Spotify for Creators

Description: Celebrity is defined as "the state of being celebrated." The famous are celebrated widely and are "celebrities." This podcast aims to reveal what deserves to be celebrated in all of us - the ordinary neighbor and the recognized name. Everyone has a story that deserves celebrity. Hosted by Pastor Jeff Noble, episodes will always be encouraging, uplifting, positive and fun. You'll meet some folks who aren't "celebrities" and some who are. All of them are genuinely ordinary, and all of them (and you!) are gen

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Listen on Spotify Available on Report content on Spotify Ordinary Celebrity: Mike Graham Ordinary Celebrity Dec 18, 2023 Share 00:00 43:23 Ordinary Celebrity: Mike Graham This episode features a well-loved member of the Texas Country music scene. Mike Graham has been song-writing and performing since the mid 1990s. His debut album was released in 1999.

Mike took a hiatus from the music scene for almost a decade, but he returned in 2020 with a seven-song EP Sunset/Sunrise . The self-explanatory first track is titled Good to be Back .

Mike's next album is due out in the spring/summer of 2024 and as of this podcast has a working title of Can't Fix the World .