- Trucking Company Sparta, TN Freight Shipping Upper Cumberland

Description: Sparta trucking company offering local and long distance freight, shipping, transport, hauling, delivery. P&R Trucking is located in Sparta, TN and services Algood, Baxter, Livingston, Monterey as well as Upper Cumberland. This company has over 30 years of good and dependable experience.

company (24) tn (21) trucking (19) shipping (12) freight (11) pr (5) sparta (1) upper cumberland (1) p&r (1)

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Freight for Upper Cumberland and Sparta Tennessee!

We have been trucking in the Upper Cumberland region over 30 years and have the contacts to handle any circumstance that may come up in your shipments. We not only do shipping for Sparta area, but also locations near and far.  Logistics and transportation has been in our  Read More

We strive to suit their needs at every turn of our trucks’ wheels. If you are looking for a trucking company that puts timeliness, attentiveness, and experience ahead of everything else, contact us!