ravenservices.us - Raven Services Corporation

Description: Raven Services Corporation specializes in providing facilities operation, maintenance and administrative support services to government and private sector clients anywhere in the continental United States

services (133) government (41) support (37) maintenance (15) technical (13) corporation (11) raven (3) administrative (3) facilities (2) operation (1)

Example domain paragraphs

Raven Services Corporation specializes in providing facilities operation, maintenance and administrative support services to government and private sector clients anywhere in the continental United States.

Raven provides these services for a wide range of client facilities - from modest, technically straight-forward office buildings with customary equipment and systems, to research laboratories and high-security production complexes that require on-site support staff comprised of mixed-skill technicians and supervisors who maintain and operate sophisticated, state-of-the-art equipment and systems.

No matter where your requirements might exist in the United States, Raven Services Corporation can provide you with a dedicated team of administrative, technical and/or maintenance personnel who are committed to supporting you and your facilities in a manner that allows you to concentrate on your core business.