rawa.us - The Seminal Church - Supporters of Men, Supporters of Humanity

Description: The Seminal Church teaches that men are essential part of society, and that God has ordained self-representation.

love (25) society (6) men (5) forgiveness (3) forgive (1) timeline (1) timelines (1) multiverse (1) seminal (1) self-representation (1)

Example domain paragraphs

- We believe that men are important, should be supported, and are essential to a well functioning society. - We believe that men and women are both equal and unique, and that mutual respect among genders is essential for the future of humanity. - We believe that Jesus died, rose again, and offers protection against the evil that permeates this reality. - We believe that humans were created by an alien race, and meerkat DNA was used in the human creation process. Deactivation, via thought intention, is essen

Time travel is our mooonshot mission; The Seminal Church is an organization that believes in the likelihood of time-travel and offers assistance to those traveling in time. Developments in AI, quantum computing, and fusion power, in-time will likely yield the knowledge to accomplish time-travel . Thus, in the event that time-travel is acheived, we are happy to help those passing through our time space.

To request assistance, please email seminalchurch @ gmail.com and/or text / call 407-743-0675. Please provide the vising year Key Phrase (found at Keyphrase.org ). This allows us to authenticate your travel and provide dedicated assistance. You may also communicate via DM via the Keyphrase subReddit ( Keyphrase subReddit ).