ryankopf.us - The Party

Description: Welcome to Ryan Kopf's election website. Vote for Ryan to secure a safe, smart future.

iowa (21) election (11) ryan kopf (1) governor (1)

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The two-party system is failing. is about fighting for real change, speaking the truth, and putting power back into the hands of the people. We won’t water down our message to please billionaires, corporations, or the establishment.

Billionaires like Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, and Mark Zuckerberg hoard wealth, exploit workers, and buy politicians. While they build private yachts and spaceships, millions of people can’t afford rent or healthcare. The Party believes that no one should have billions while others starve.

Mega-corporations pollute our air and water, destroy small businesses, and force workers into poverty wages. They profit from layoffs, lobby against fair taxes, and create a society where everything is for sale—even our dignity.