s528322295.onlinehome.us - Pikes Peak Historical Society | Preserving the history of Florissant and the Pikes Peak western slope

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The Pikes Peak Historical Society is a non-profit corporation organized under IRS Code Section 501(c)(3). The purpose of the Society is to encourage the preservation of the history of Florissant and the west slope of Pikes Peak, and to educate the public regarding this historical legacy.   The Pikes Peak Historical Society (PPHS) is funded solely through memberships and donations, and supports its mission through volunteers who serve on its numerous committees. PPHS owns and operates two museums; The Pikes

No regular open hours in the winter season from October to April. We will resume regular weekend hours in May 2025 We will gladly open by appointment for you, your family, social groups or school groups with notice at least two days in advance at 719-748-8259

Pikes Peak Community Foundation Colorado Department of Transportation Gold Belt National Historic Byway Catamount Institute Florissant Fossil beds National Monument THE Coalition Teller County: Parks and Recreation Woodland Park Chamber of Commerce Habitat for Humanity Florissant Fire and Rescue Friends of Florissant Fossil Beds Waste Management of Woodland Park Bureau of Land Management Northern Ute Nation Lake George Gem and Mineral Club Pikes Peak History Coalition, Inc