- Welcome to Sacred Ground

Description: Sacred Ground is a space which invites and welcomes essential, deep encounters in mutuality with and from Source - within each of us and as reflected in each other. We meet in that sacred space of interconnection. In this sacred space of present-moment awareness, we come together to explore new depths in the unfolding of each moment. Through mutual coherence, gentleness, and openness, profound insights naturally arise. Often, a simple question like "What is emerging right now?" serves as a catalyst for unex

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Sacred Ground is an online interactive meeting place for connection in interbeing - from and through the essence of who we are. 

In this sacred space of present-moment awareness, we come together to explore new depths in the unfolding of each moment. Through mutual coherence, gentleness, and openness, profound insights naturally arise. Often, a simple question like "What is emerging right now?" serves as a catalyst for unexpected awakenings and delightful discoveries.

In various online, live mutuality practices we experience the transforming power of interconnection with one another. And beyond that with the consciousness which we form together, from which we come and of which we are all a part.