Description: Southern California Association of Camera Clubs operates the Photographic Arts Building in Balboa Park, San Diego and provides Logistical Services and Competition Space for member clubs
photography (145) 3d (28) club (17) stereo (5) clubs (3) darkroomers (1) polyphoto (1) photonaturalists (1) sdpc (1) twmc (1)
The Southern California Association of Camera Clubs is a PSA council member and provides logistical services and competition space for our member clubs which comprise some of the oldest and most competitive clubs in San Diego county. We organize and promote competitive photography through our Member Clubs and provide facilities and galleries for clubs to meet, educate and display their work.
SCACC has reopened the building for hosting and gallery tours. The Photographic Arts Building is now open Saturdays 12-4
SCACC has a new insurance carrier.