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Description: A neurodevelopmental approach to learning and development.

adhd (10) add (9) autism (3) ld (2) neurodevelopment (1) learning disabilities (1) down syndrome (1) auditory processing (1) visual processing (1) mobility (1)

Example domain paragraphs

For over 60 years, the neurodevelopmental approach to working with learning, mobility, speech, language, processing and attention problems,   has been offering hope to parents of children who have received a variety of labels.   Whether the label is ADD, ADHD, dyslexia, learning disabled, CAPD, PDD, mentally retarded, autism, Downs, doesn’t matter.   People trained in the neurodevelopmental approach look at the causes , train the parents to work with their child at home to address the problems, and

The efficacy of an approach depends on the strength of the model upon which the work is based.  This work is based upon two well accepted principles: 

1. the brain naturally develops in an orderly, hierarchical fashion driven by environmental stimulation,