- Shuto Karate Sellersville – Delaware Valley's Original Shotokan Club

Description: This website is for the Sellersville dojo of the Shuto Karate Club. Run by Sensei Michael Lapreziosa, the dojo operates 4 days each week at 220 North Main Street in Sellersville PA.

martial arts (15) self-defense (14) karate (13) karate classes (3) martial arts classes (1) self-defense classes (1) self-protection (1) budo (1) bunkai (1) shotokan (1)

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We teach traditional Japanese Shotokan karate and adapt it for today’s self-protection needs, combining customary dojo practices and modern training methods. Our children’s and adults’ classes emphasize mentoring and are tailored to the needs of each student. We also offer seminars and private lessons.

One of the most striking features of karate is that it may be engaged in by anybody, young or old, strong or weak, male or female.   Gichin Funakoshi, “Father of Modern Karate”

Focus, self-discipline & confidence, perseverance, and ethical clarification.