talesofthepuppetmaster.us - AMORC Unmasked – Exploring Four Decades of Entrapment in AMORC, a Mind Control Cult

Description: Exploring Four Decades of Entrapment in AMORC, a Mind Control Cult

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My story began in the bustling heart of Haiti, amidst the halls of a prestigious engineering school.

My engagement with AMORC actually initiated while I was still immersed in my studies at Haiti’s premier engineering institution, marking the onset of an unexpected chapter in my life.

For over twenty years, I was held captive, not just by the invisible bonds of psychological manipulation but also by tangible restraints that blurred the lines between physical and mental control. It was only after confronting profound despair that I managed to break free and reclaim my life. Following this period of awakening, I turned to writing as a means of healing and empowering myself and others ensnared in similar situations.