tempcon.us - Ninex | Covid Temperature Screening and Compliance Monitoring

Description: Real-time temperature screening and compliance monitoring to help reduce the spread of Covid, the Flu, and other types of infectious diseases.

technology (92) ai (30) individuals (4) covid (4) temperature (4) diseases (2) identify (1) spread (1) flu (1) infectious (1)

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Utilizing AI technology, Ninex TempCon System/Software is helping Schools and Organizations identify individuals, reducing the spread of Covid, the Flu, and other types of infectious diseases.

Although the pandemic may be considered over in the United States, every day thousands of people are getting ​Covid. Despite the millions of people vaccinated, new variations continue to emerge. Whether it's Covid or the Seasonal Flu, early detection can help reduce the severity, hospitalizations, and spread. One of the first indicators that someone may be sick is an elevated body temperature. ​Ninex TempCon System/Software and thermal imaging camera can automatically scan 15 people per second (900 per minu