- ThanksForTeaching.Us

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Whether it was Mrs. Engles in the 2nd Grade or Prof. Reich sophomore year, amazing educators have challenged us to be better thinkers, dared us to change career paths in a single lecture, and inspired us to believe that, with a little hard work, a better future is possible.

In the spirit of recognizing amazing teachers,TBD is hosting ThanksForTeaching.Us , a space to share your thanks for those A+ profs. What began in September as a back to school campaign has become a global movement that we’d love to continue growing. Our schools are in a tough spot right now, and we think there’s no better time to bring the spotlight back on the teachers that make our classrooms thrive.Let’s be real, it’s about time we gave them a serious shout-out.

Take a minute to share your thanks for one (or a bunch) of your favorite teachers and what they inspired you to do. Brownie points for sending your story along to them! (We’ve got a feeling they’d love to hear from you too.)