Wake up in your Right Mind
Menu Chemical Abortion media Religious Declination Form COVID-19 Jab The Religious COVID JAB Exemption More Important than It Appears to Be. Vanessa Gelman Senior Director of International Research Communications Sprints Away from Reporter. October 17, 2021 October 17, 2021 ~ Pharmer Project Veritas has been filming scientists and employees from Big Pharma, covering the COVID Jab issue, and a good deal of information that the media has hidden from the public is being revealed. Last week, a whistleblower, Me
The subsequent video captured by Project Veritas, of Vanessa Gelman, senior, international research communications director at Pfizer has given me a a new and different perspective. The value of this vid is that it really shows this woman to not be comfortable in defending the Very Routine, Standard, Everyday, Research, and Development Practices employed by her company and others in the production of biologicals, and other drug entities. (Sorry that WordPress doesn’t embed from GabTV. A secure link to Red V