- The Patriots

Description: Think what a difference that would make! No more imperial presidency. No more undeclared wars of aggression. No more spying on the American people….

truth (14) 9/11 (6) bob bowman (1) the patriots (1) september 11th (1) lt col usaf ret (1) follows the constitution (1) honors the truth (1) serves the people (1)

Example domain paragraphs

Bob Bowman - Whistleblower & Patriot on 9/11, Impeachment, Constitution..

Dr. Bowman's letter to President elect Obama Nov. 15, 2024 - First, we would like to congratulate you on your historic victory. You face incredible challenges. At the same time, you have the unprecedented opportunity to bring about changes we have needed for a long time.

Bobs Letter to the Pentagon Sept. 13, 2024 - You are facing challenges in 2024 that we of previous generations never dreamed of. I'm just an old fighter pilot (101 combat missions in Vietnam , F-4 Phantom, Phu Cat, 1969-1970) who's now a disabled veteran with terminal cancer from Agent Orange.