- Thomaston, ME

Description: Thomaston, ME

me (11) thomaston (1)

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Thomaston  was Incorporated  in 1777 in  midcoast  Maine and boasts  a population of   approximately  2,767. It overlooks the head of  the the  St. George River; a conduit to the Atlantic Ocean.

Thomaston is  known as “ The Town that Went to Sea ”   and literally houses a  Museum in the Streets . Boat building and marine related industry are found in this village in addition to small gift shops, antique stores and cafe's.

Thomaston's school district  RSU 13  , sh ared with neighboring Midcoast towns that feature great restaurants, harbors and art galleries.  The annual  Fourth of July   celebration with fireworks is a favorite local event attracting onlookers from far away towns.