timberwoodtrails.us - Timberwood Trails Campground

Description: Website of private landowners posting information and pictures to share with family and friends.

camping (22) forest (10) wildlife photos (2) private land (1) stream photos (1) black bear (1)

Example domain paragraphs

Lakewood, PA

This is Timberwood Trails, a private campground nestled in the Neverending Mountain Range in Northeastern Pennsylvania.  It is over 160 acres of relatively un-touched forest recently placed into the Pennsylvania Forest Stewardship Program. 

The campground contains some heavy forest, pastures and brush fields, wetlands, and pine stands - all of the habitats associated with a regenerating forest.  (Most of Pennsylvania was "clear-cut" around the turn of the 20th century.)  Various fruits are plentiful, supporting many wildlife species.   There is a peaceful country road running along the eastern border.  A stream fed by three spring-fed lakes meanders through the property.