timetojoin.us - Attracting the "tURned-off" like-me, in a non-"political" way, Family

Description: This site is for anyone who cares, even just a little. Especially FOR those who ARE the"tURned-off".. like-me. I want to turn-you-back-ON in a non-"political" way, as new USA Team Family.. TIMEtoJoIN.US is...

new (22) party (10) answer (3) free energy (3) declaration (1) the declaration of independence (1) reframing (1) new green deal (1) new peace. reversing climate change (1) beyond solar and wind (1)

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      FOR much, will you consider your support vote for 2024? Why? Zerilli IS for good for Top-Change.         

 > DON'T support ANYTHING unless you are inticed-plus... with what you read

Here's only a few reasons why: