- Travel Flix - Welcome

Description: TRAVEL FLIX creates dazzling HD movies from your travel photos and videos. Watch them on your wide-screen TV, and post on the net for others to enjoy.

video (113) travel (73) photos (56) movies (15) flix (1)

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Travel Flix

TRAVEL FLIX preserves your travel memories through striking high-definition movies, created with  your travel photos & video clips.  You can re-live and share your journeys as engaging, documentary-quality films on your wide-screen TV. And - post your movies on the web, for others to enjoy. EACH CUSTOM MOVIE INCLUDES: PERFECTLY MATCHED MUSIC from our huge music library and online sources. You chose the style and mood - we locate the music. ADVANCED IMAGE ENHANCEMENT Every photo & video clip is individually

EXPERT EDITING Each unique production is designed to suit the character and subjects of your photos. Pace and transitions are carefully coordinated with the underscoring. Special transitions and effects are individually selected, and tastefully applied. CHOOSE YOUR FORMATS BluRay disc for home viewing and/or web-video - for Facebook, You Tube, etc.