- Travis Smith - Editor / Videographer / Portfolio

Description: Seattle based videographer, editor, and motion graphics

video (113) washington (35) html5 (31) seattle (26) css3 (23) camera (14) editing (14) forensics (4) seahawks (2) seattle police department (1)

Example domain paragraphs

One thing you won’t see me do is writing about myself in the third person. Sorry no ghost writers here. I’m admittedly humble; putting it in writing and making a website about my accomplishments seems kind of contradictory to that statement. But, here are some cliffnotes that you may find important. I’m a self-starter and I enjoy conceptualizing projects and seeing them through to completion.

After over 12 years of working in video, I think the verdict is in: I have great time management skills and I work well under pressure; I know this because I have experience working in some of the most chaotic environments short of wall-street and an actual warzone. From professional sports, live ammunition fire drills, helicopter excursions, to interviewing high level government officials and professional athletes and celebrities. Although it's not preferable, I'm use to working on short deadlines, with li

I can be exceptionally honest and won’t sugar coat if something needs to change to ensure a final product is the best it can be. In that same vein I always do my best to bring a solution when I point out a flaw.