- Challenge Roadside Trucking Violations | U.S. DOT FMCSA Violations - Data Q's| Federal Applications Processor Hoffenmer

Description: U.S. DOT Data Quality Violation Challenge Tool. Improve CSA Safety Scores by challenging state trooper issued violations issued at the weight scale or roadside inpsections.

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Did you know that the U.S. DOT has implemented a system for trucking and transportation companies where violations from roadside inspections that affect your CSA safety scores can be petitioned for review and removal? The U.S. DOT allows trucking companies to challenge, review and remove violations issued by FMCSA officer or a state trooper. State troopers make mistakes. Every company has the right and is given an opportunity to challenge and request removal of such incorrectly issued violations from their

What can you challenge? Obstruction of view (GPS, phone, ipod) violations if within regulatory distance from window edges, Missing clean inspections from your records Mechanical defects where a licensed mechanic opinion differs from officer's findings and many more

If your company hires CDL drivers, you're obligated to retain and enforce Safety Policy Handbook.

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